Event Re-fresh - How to re-launch an existing show or create a new show idea?

Event Re-fresh - How to re-launch an existing show or create a new show idea?

Post Covid how do we refresh our thinking about a pre-existing events or exhibitions? How can we ensure we create new ideas and themes for our events?

Tuesday September 21st 2021 – 9.00am – 1.00pm BST

Tuesday OCTOBER 19TH 2021 – 9.00am – 1.00pm BST

Building a clear vision/mission for the event and developing a strong community and a compelling story for both exhibitors and visitors.

  • Key ingredients to great events

  • Coming up with New ideas for your events - defining needs, creating value propositions, Selling and USPs

  • Storytelling your event concept

The aim of this course is to ‘Creating a Fresh event story after Covid’.

Earn 4 hours toward UFI Certified Professional (UCP). *

This session is hosted by Frazer Chesterman and Marcus Timson of FM Future

Event Sales – Developing Personal Sales Skills and Techniques for Selling Events Profitably

Event Sales – Developing Personal Sales Skills and Techniques for Selling Events Profitably

An interactive learning programme, exploring individual selling styles and their application in today’s event sales environment.

September 22nd Wednesday 9.00pm – 1.00pm BST

OCTOBER 20th Wednesday 9.00pm – 1.00pm BST

Exploring the role and expectations of the exhibition sales professional

• Identifying a framework for the professional sales presentation

• Investigating the skills of fact-finding and the contribution to the sales process.

• Reviewing the event sales story, highlighting USP’s, benefits and value

• Developing responses for handling objections, building urgency and closing the sale

This session is hosted by Paul Streeter of Paul Streeter Training Services and Frazer Chesterman of FM Future.